Changelog ========= 0.4.16 ----- * Fixed an issue with throwing exception within resolver function [#113] ( 0.4.15 ----- * Fixed an issue with double emit of PromiseRejectionEvent [#113] ( 0.4.14 ----- * Added support of unhandled rejection event [#111] ( 0.4.13 ----- * Added workaround to avoid bug with `Array.prototype.push` in Opera 41 0.4.12 ----- * Wrong propagation of progress state fixed 0.4.11 ----- * Now global object (`window`, `global`) is passed properly 0.4.10 ----- * Now `MutationObserver` is used for internal "next tick" operations 0.4.9 ----- * `vow.cast` method was fixed to properly work with external promises [#88]( 0.4.8 ----- * Detection of ymaps modular system was improved [#82]( 0.4.7 ----- * `vow.all` had wrong behaviour in case of passing of another promise implementation [#77]( * `vow.timeout` rejects with `vow.TimedOutError` instead of `Error` reason in case of timeout [#76]( 0.4.6 ----- * `defer.reject` had wrong behaviour in case of already rejected promise was passed [#72]( * CommonJS environment detection became more accurate [#74]( 0.4.5 ----- * Throwing exceptions inside `vow.reject` was removed [#69]( * `promise.isFulfilled`/`promise.isRejected` immediately return proper state of promise got from `vow.fulfill(value)`/`reject(value`) [#68]( * Minor optimizations were added 0.4.4 ----- * ENB sources were added 0.4.3 ----- * Some optimizations for V8 were added [#60]( Thanks to [B-Vladi]( 0.4.2 ----- * Pass progress state from items in all arrays/objects methods [#58]( 0.4.1 ----- * Improve detection of vow-compatible promises 0.4.0 ----- * Implement [DOM Promise]( specification * Implement [new Promise A+]( specification * Remove `promise.fulfill`, `promise.reject`, `promise.notify` methods * Add `vow.anyResolved` method [#53]( * Add `vow.cast` method [#53]( 0.3.12 ------ * Make `Promise` class accessible from outside 0.3.11 ------ * Fix bug with inner timer in `delay` method [#45]( 0.3.10 ------ * Use `setImmediate` instead of `process.nextTick` in Node.js >= 0.10.x [#40]( * Up Promises/A+ Compliance Test Suite to 1.3.2 0.3.9 ----- * Fix for propagation of progress state [#37]( 0.3.8 ----- * Fix for ignoring callback's context in always method [#35]( * Callback in `Vow.invoke` called in global context now * bower.json added [#34]( 0.3.7 ----- * `Vow.allPatiently` method added [#32]( 0.3.6 ----- * Fix for properly work in mocha/phantomjs environment [#31]( 0.3.5 ----- * Fix for synchronize `onProgress` callback in `promise.sync` method [#30]( 0.3.4 ----- * Add ability to use multiple modules system simultaneously [#26]( * Add callbacks to `promise.done` method [#29]( 0.3.3 ----- * Use `Vow` instead `this` in all static methods * Speed up optimizations 0.3.2 ----- * Ability to specify context for callbacks [#28]( 0.3.1 ----- * Add support for [ym module's system]( [#24]( 0.3.0 ----- * Add support for `progress/notify` [#23]( 0.2.6 ----- * `promise.always` doesn't pass the return value of `onResolved` [#19](