## In the browser Use a [browser vesion of CSSO](http://css.github.com/csso/csso.html) to minimize your code. **CSSO is not guaranteed to work in browsers. Preferred way to use this tool is to run it from the command line or via npm modules.** ## From the command line Run `bin/csso` (when installed from git), [NodeJS](http://nodejs.org) 0.8.x is required. Run `csso` (when installed from npm). Usage: csso shows usage information csso minimizes the CSS in and outputs the result to stdout csso csso -i -o csso --input --output minimizes the CSS in and outputs the result to csso -off csso --restructure-off turns structure minimization off csso -h csso --help shows usage information csso -v csso --version shows the version number Example: $ echo ".test { color: red; color: green }" > test.css $ csso test.css .test{color:green} ## As an npm module Sample (`test.js`): ```js var csso = require('csso'), css = '.test, .test { color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }'; console.log(csso.justDoIt(css)); ``` Output (`> node test.js`): ```css .test{color:#fff} ``` Use `csso.justDoIt(css, true)` to turn structure minimization off.